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December Talk with Fiona Scott

It's almost Christmas and December is becoming more festive. Today we're talking to Fiona Scott, of Scott Media, which offers media training, PR strategy and retained services, animation and videography from high quality YouTube filming through to full broadcast quality. Fiona is a journalist with more than 34 years’ experience and has been running her own company for almost 14 years.

It’s December – is this a busy time for your business? 
Yes it is, it’s all about planning for the month and then the year ahead. The media will also be looking for content, stories and hints and tips for both Christmas and the new year so I have to keep on top of those opportunities for my clients. Also I’ve launched my podcast – PR Not BS by Fiona Scott – so it will be fun to see how that goes. To date more than 330 downloads so I'm happy with that! You can find it here https://scottmedia.uk/podcasts/

Christmas is coming – what does Christmas mean for you? 
I love Christmas. It’s an excuse to embrace your inner child and be silly and have fun. Our house will be covered in lights, festive trees, we’ll be watching our Christmas films  and planning our family time together. Looking back on my own childhood, Christmas was always special and we’ve tried to do the same for our children. I’ve written about it in more detail here - https://medium.com/p/e4a45240f7f

What’s on Santa’s List for your business in 2022? 
To see my podcast start to gain traction and also to send my first book to the publisher to begin the long road of proof-reading, editing and re-writing before it becomes a real ‘thing’. It’s a memoir of my first ten years in business. 

And what’s on your list personally? 
Just to have fun with my family and spend quality time with them. Last year we cut back on presents due to the pandemic and having less income – and I didn’t really miss it if I’m honest. I’d rather give to our children.

What has been your greatest business lesson this year? 
After 2020 which was a year of survival, this year has been one of small growth. More importantly, having been down and got back up – it’s made me truly understand that not everyone is my customer, even if they look like it initially. I’m now walking away from anyone who is unethical or uncaring in their business practice. 

I want to work with like-minded people whether they are starting out, growing in the business, scaling up or campaigning - ethics and purpose will be even more important to me than ever.

What have been your business highlights in 2021? 
a) Still being in business.

b) Being so grateful for my clients who have stuck by me.

c) Starting to be far more vocal about being an older woman in business and the value we bring. 

What have been your personal highlights in 2022? 
a)    Our daughter Lauren finally getting married in September after two delays. 

b)    Our daughter Sam graduating from university with a BA Hons in Fine Art and getting her first job within days of leaving.

c)    Our daughter Georgia & son David showing resilience and fortitude at university and school in spite of having to do so much from home or from a student flat. 

What will you do differently in 2022? 
Working more online and remotely to enable me to reach more people. Going out and about and meeting new people as long as circumstances allow – so in other words flexing that flexibility and being so grateful for it. Thank goodness for tech! 

I’ll also look for more speaking opportunities around being a woman in business – an older one at that – rather than only talking about PR. I’ve got my podcast for that. 

Is ‘giving back’ important to you, your business or organisation? 
Yes, it always has been. It’s brilliant for public relations and visibility yet it also shows a true caring for the community in which your business sits. You have to really want to do it, it cannot be shallow. To help others less fortunate is to recognise that, often, that could be you. It also makes you very grateful for what you do have that’s positive in your life. 

What would be your best piece of advice for anyone in business for 2022? 
Take action – do stuff. Don’t get lost in processes and detail and use those as an excuse to not take action. It’s the thing I see the most in business. 

Also recognise the value of public relations in all forms. There are very few successful, invisible businesses out there. And for those that think they are okay because they make their income from one or two big contracts, have a contingency for when that situation ends, as it surely will.

And finally: 
Happy Christmas! My best film tip is A Christmas Carol, the animation with Jim Carrey and my best Christmas tipple is a big slug of Baileys with a load of ice. Even the sound is Christmassy! 

For more information visit https://scottmedia.uk

Fiona Scott Media Consultancy Swindon

Scott Media

Scott Media is run by a UK-based journalist with more than 20 years' experience in the media - print, radio and television.

6 Gold View, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8ZG

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