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Fiona Scott's 2021 Summer Business Plan

Today we're talking to Fiona Scott of Scott Media. Fiona has run her business from Swindon for the last 13 years and she's currently organising her first national PR & Business Retreat in 2022, alongside a working national journalist, to help business owners understand how the media works and make valuable contacts.

May is the last month of Spring – how has Spring been for you so far? 

It's been very busy working hard for clients and also training business owners about how to work practically and effectively with the media - and also to apply strategic PR to their business. At home, it's been very busy, I've got another year older. We have also been able to finally get away in our caravan!

What are your plans for the Summer – for your business and for you? 

In terms of business, I am starting to plan content for my first ever national PR & Business Retreat for business owners who believe in working positive with the media. I will also be planning business stories for my retained clients. 

At home, I'll be spending time with my husband and children, hopefully having trips away in our touring caravan after not being able to go anywhere for months. We hope we may get to Europe over the summer however that may not happen - regardless we'll go somewhere!

What are you most looking forward this summer which you had to step away from last summer? 

Seeing my friends, business buddies, socialising, going to the cinema, browsing around charity shops and antiques emporiums - to name just a few pastimes.

May is National Walking Month, and walking was an activity which was one thing we could do over the last 12 months.  

I walk every day because we have a rescue dog called Jess so walking has always been a daily activity. However it's taken on even greater significance during the pandemic because it was the only thing we could do to get fresh air (apart from being in the garden). Then it was the only way to meet up with our nearest and dearest. 

I love nature and take lot of pictures of flowers, wildlife, birds and anything which takes my fancy!

Where is your favourite place to walk? 

I don't have one favourite - I have many. I love the canal near my home which I walk most days. Savernake Forest is a real favourite as well as Barbury Castle and the Ridgeway, all different with different things to see and explore. 

Have you got any events planned for the coming months which you’d like to mention – where you and/or your business will take a leading role? 

My PR & Business Retreat which will take place for the first time in January 2022, which will be held in Cheshire and will be the first of its kind. There are only 20 places available and some have already gone. For more details visit https://scott-media.mykajabi.com/retreat2022

Are you attending any events at all for you as a business person, or for you personally that you are really looking forward to? 

The first and most important is my step-daughter's wedding in September which has already been delayed twice. We're really hoping it will go ahead this time!

I'll be giving my first keynote talk at a business event in July (all being well) and I hope it will be one of many. I've already been booked for three. I'll be attending an awards event in the Midlands in October where I've been nominated for an award and I hope there will be more to come! 

What’s your one top business tip to help others be positive about their business in May 2021? 

Keep on being passionate, consistent and visible. People have to know you are around. I'm bound to say it, yet this is the most important thing at this time. 

Tell us all one funny thing about you which we won’t know and you are happy to share (make us laugh!).

I once fell down at a political party conference and was helped back up by a tall chap with an American accent who was very polite. Horribly embarrassed I thanked him and then realised it was Bill Clinton. Cue - even more embarrassment. 

And finally:

As we emerge from this period of time I hope we focus on what really matters in our personal lives and in business:

  • Family & love
  • Compassion and ethics
  • A fairer society where no one is left behind
  • Nature and the environment

And never lose sight of the fact that nature has the real power. 

For more information visit https://scott-media.mykajabi.com/retreat2022

Fiona Scott Media Consultancy Swindon

Scott Media

Scott Media is run by a UK-based journalist with more than 20 years' experience in the media - print, radio and television.

6 Gold View, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8ZG

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