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We recommend
@ThringsLaw - Having provided legal advice to businesses and individuals for almost 300 (yes, 300!) years, we consider these guys to be the best in the business. You can follow their Twitter account for links to some fantastic articles, as well as friendly advice.
@AccordOffice - When it comes to office supplies, there's only one ccount in Swindon you'll need to follow, and that's Accord. You can keep up to date on their latest goings-on within the business, as well as product promotions and new additions to their catalogue.
@SwindonArtsCent - Keep on top of all the latest events at Swindon's Art Centre by following them on Twitter!
@thepigonthehill - And if you're ever heading to a show at the Arts Centre, why not stop off next door for a bite to eat. Follow these guys for the latest of what's on offer behind the bar and from the kitchen!
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