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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To Business

Bowman House (Business Sponsor)

HELLO 2021 & GOODBYE 2020!

By Lis McDermott who is an author, poet and writer mentor who lives in Wiltshire and is well known across Swindon.

As the year starts to turn – how are you feeling about 2021? 

Very positive. I have completely changed direction during lockdown, and I am now focusing totally on my writing. I have several people who I am supporting in their writing journey, to help them be publisher-ready. 

I’m feeling confident that next year my business is going to continue to grow. I have found new passion and drive for what I am doing.

Also, I will have finished writing my own book during next year.

What are your business goals for the coming year? 

  • To grow my online Poetry Group, and continue to raise the profile of poetry as an accessible art form.
  • See the publication of several of my mentee’s books, who I have supported during this year.
  • Develop my Mentee program and processes further.
  • Continue supporting a business colleague in writing blogs for some of her clients.

Will you be introducing any new products or services? If so, please share some details. 

I hope to be developing an online product to help people plan the writing of their autobiographies.

Are you looking to invest in yourself as a business owner or company director in 2021 in any way? 

Attend writing & poetry workshops to develop my own skills and to learn from others. 

Looking back across 2020 – name three highlights for you and your business? 

1. At the beginning of the year, I had two mentees, and I now have six people I’m working with, and a possible seventh. 

2. Making connections with a publisher in Bristol, for whom I mentor writers.

3. Setting up my own monthly, online poetry group: Lis’ Poetry Place.

Looking back across 2020 – were there any lowlights? 

Making the decision to finish my photography business was not as difficult as I thought, but I didn’t like having to tell regular clients that I was no longer running my business. However, I have directed them to other photographers, and they are all fixed up for their photoshoots.

Who, in your business community – have been the shining stars of 2020? 

1. Fiona Scott, of Scott Media in partnership with Total Guide to Swindon - for keeping me visible.

2. Hannah Edwards, Empowered VA Services for organising my newsletter. 

3. Helen Hart, Publishing Director, Silverwood Books for collaborating with me. 

Any special offers for 2021 you’d like to mention? 

30 minute free Zoom chat about your book idea to get you started.

And finally:

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! 

For more information visit

Fiona Scott Media Consultancy Swindon

Scott Media

Scott Media is run by a UK-based journalist with more than 20 years' experience in the media - print, radio and television.

6 Gold View, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8ZG

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