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Fiona Scott

March Talk with Fiona Scott

It’s March! The first month of Spring, and the month when the clocks go forward. What’s going on in the world of business this month! Today we're talking to Fiona Scott, of Scott Media who has been a journalist for over 30 years and run her own business for the last 14 years. She and her team offer publicity, video, animation and social media management or media training services to individuals, businesses, entrepreneurs and charities.

How is March looking for you in your business? 
It's been crazily busy so far. New clients have come forward for social media support, I've run a full PR Power Day with business owners who want to embrace publicity with more knowledge and I've also supported several clients with their YouTube channels. And there's no sign of this slowing down yet! Thankfully. 

Are you taking part in any wider events or business collaborations this month? 
Collaboration is, I think, going to be very important for small business owners in 2022 and beyond. I already collaborate with two business coaches, a marketing agency where I do deliver the 'PR' service that they offer and I'm also an expert adviser with OxLEP supporting start-up business owners - or those business owners who have got a bit stuck in moving their company forward. 

This month it’s International Women’s Day, Pancake Day, St David’s Day, National No Smoking Day – is there an awareness day or week this month which is important to you or your business? 
Almost any awareness day or month can be relevant to my client portfolio - International Women's Day is always busy (I attended two events myself and was a speaker at one of those events). I write blogs for clients and found out far more than I ever knew before about St Patrick's Day for example (March 17)! These are key moments for any PR professional as we know that journalists and influencers may be looking for content on those days and dates. 

Is it your birthday this month? If so what will you being doing to celebrate? 
Yes it is as it happens! I have had the last two birthdays in lockdown believe it or not! This year I've been lucky enough to see the Disney musical The Lion King in Bristol already after booking it months ago. On the actual day I want to go to the cinema and watch a film and we've already booked a pub meal out. These simple pleasures mean a lot more now! I don't much care about presents. I just want to be with my family. 

Is it your business’s birthday this month or an anniversary of any kind? 
My business was 14 years old in February and I am quietly proud to still be in business. Watch this space to find out what I plan to do when it reaches its 15th birthday next year!

Did you know that March 18 was Awkward Moments Day? Can you share any awkward moments with us in business or life?
I'm sure there are loads of embarrassing moments. One I can think of was being in a hurry at a petrol station in Wiltshire on a cold dark evening. I filled up and while getting my purse out of my handbag I ran into the glass door which didn't automatically open. My brain felt sure it would and I didn't even slow down. Instantly my nose started to bleed dramatically and I was crying and mopping one minute and trying to pay the next. The poor cashier tried his best to help me. It was mortifying. My nose was fine by the way - that petrol station no longer exists but every time I drive by I think of that incident. 

March is also Mother’s Day (March 27) is this an important day for your business? 
It's important to me if it's important for a client. Quite often with a 'moment' like this, it will focus on a client who is selling product for Mother's Day and will be doing special offers. Therefore I'll be writing blogs for them around this theme and/or sorting out social media posts. 

Would you like to share your thoughts about being a mum yourself?
I'm  a mum and a step mum and these are the most important roles in my life alongside being a wife. My children are my greatest achievements, my greatest joys and, occasionally, my greatest worries. Being a parent is a huge responsibility and I've yet to meet one who thinks they got it right. I try to always do the next right thing and to let my children know every day how much they are loved. 

Have you got any special events you'd like to mention? 
I'm running a video training day on July 6 this year for business owners, or those running charities to get comfortable with video. The event will involve me working alongside a camera operator who works regularly on mainstream tv programmes including Gogglebox, Homes Under the Hammer and the Antiques Road Show. The cost is £550 plus VAT for the day and it will involve having one video message professionally edited for use. It's for ten people only so to book email [email protected] 

And finally: 
Have a great Spring and Summer! Aren't you loving the lighter evenings!


For more information visit https://scottmedia.uk

Fiona Scott Media Consultancy Swindon

Scott Media

Scott Media is run by a UK-based journalist with more than 20 years' experience in the media - print, radio and television.

6 Gold View, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8ZG

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