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March Talk with Taz Thornton

It's March, the first month of Spring, and the month when the clocks go forward. What’s going on in the world of business this month? Today we're talking to Taz Thornton who is a personal empowerment and business visibility coach, speaker and author. She is based in Lincolnshire yet works with business owners and individuals worldwide.

How is March looking for you in your business? 
March is looking really exciting. I have time scheduled out for writing and I’m working on an updated edition of my best-selling personal development book, Unleash Your Awesome. 

Are you taking part in any wider events or business collaborations this month?
I’m speaking at a women’s business event later in this month. In lieu of a fee, I’ve asked for a share of the event profits to be sent to Ukraine; the more tickets we sell, the more we’ll be able to send to those in need.    

This month it’s International Women’s Day, Pancake Day, St David’s Day, National No Smoking Day – is there an awareness day or week this month which is important to you or your business? 
Every day is an awareness day - an awareness of how we and others are feeling, an awareness of those in need and how we might be able to support them, an awareness of what we need to do to build our businesses and support our clients. There’s always room for more awareness in the world. 

Do you have any kind of business milestone coming up?
Yes, we launch another round of The Big One - my 13-month spiritual empowerment programme. Delegates spend several weekends with me and my team to develop their personal and spiritual awareness.

Did you know that March 18 is Awkward Moments Day? Can you share any awkward moments with us in business or life?
It seemed like such a good idea at the time.

Asha Clearwater (my wife) and I were enjoying a full day’s shoot with my official photographer, Vicki Head.

We’d booked a meeting room and based ourselves out of a beautiful, listed, stately hotel and spa - Orton Hall Hotel, on the outskirts of Peterborough.

After hours of lovely shots around the grounds, and just before the indoor session in our ‘pop up’ studio, Vicki told us about the smoke bomb in her bag.

It seemed like an awesome plan - kinda like a dry ice effect for some of our pics. Hey, I *am* a certified instructor and ambassador for the Global Firewalking Association, after all.

As the three of us walked through the grounds, we chatted amiably about letting the staff know before we let off the smoke bomb.

We all agreed we probably should.

But, by the time we’d walked far enough away from the buildings, none of us had warned them, and we all shrugged it off.

There wouldn’t be that much smoke, right?

We’d get a few really awesome pics and then it’d disperse really quickly.


This was a different brand of smoke cannister than Vicki’s usual choice.

Let’s just say the flumes were a little thicker, weightier and longer-lasting than we anticipated.

So much for seeing me through the smoke… I was engulfed within seconds! And I’d put my sparkly, pink DMs on for the occasion too. No chance of seeing those beauties through the fog!

Realising our folly, Asha drew the short straw and off she went, with her wonderful word power, to calm down any potential commotion.

By the time she got half way towards the building, the groundsman had already been dispatched to put out the fire.

Then came two more senior hotel staff, including one fine gent with that former army major air about him, who was not pleased.

Poor old Asha took it with both barrels.

She apologised, explained what had happened, that it was just a smoke cannister, it would soon disperse, and no harm was being caused to the ground and building.

With the man’s sharp words about being able to “smell the cordite” from his office, Asha returned, with her tail between her legs.

Well done, Asha… thanks for taking one for the team! 

“Do you think we can risk trying another one?”, Vicki asked.

We all agreed… no, probably not.

Just call us Smokey and the Bandits from now on!

March is also Mother’s Day (March 27) is this an important day for your business? If so why? 
Yes, because without the guidance and upbringing from my mum, I wouldn’t even have a business. My mum taught me to always have a go, that there was no reason for me to not try something. So much of my outlook, ingenuity and resilience comes from her.  

In the yearly cycle of your business – what do you expect during March? 
I’ve deliberately created more time for creativity in March, April and May, so I’ve capped the numbers of 1-1 clients I’m serving at ten until at least June. On top of that, of course, I have six thriving group programmes. The specs I’ve created over the next few months is largely to write - I have some more books in me that are bursting to get out… and I have very patient publishers chasing me! 

Have you got any special offers for March or April that you’d like to mention?
There’s still time for people to join #ELITE25, my massively subsidised business mastermind and coaching group for those who want to step up to the next level but, for whatever reason, don’t have the cashflow for full-price support. I have space for just seven more people, then it’s full. 

Coaches, healers and therapists are also welcome to join the business and personal brand building programme I run with Asha Clearwater. 

It’s run mostly through an online group, with live group Zoom sessions every month. We cover everything from pricing and package creation to social media, marketing and client onboarding, as well as helping people to grow their confidence and bottom line. 

At the moment, the price is capped at £65 per month, with a minimum subscription of 12 months. 

For more information visit www.TazThornton.com

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