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Adam Baggs - Summer Q&A 2021

Let's continue to celebrate the variety of business owners we have in our region and beyond. Today we're talking to Adam Baggs who is a solution focused hypnotherapist. Adam, who is based in Cirencester helps clients achieve positive change. This can be personal such as overcoming stress, anxiety, phobias, stopping smoking and losing weight or for some clients it is about increasing confidence, motivation and success. Of course, this is all transferable to the commercial world, where I also work with businesses to help teams become more successful through one-to-one sessions, group work or as a motivational speaker. The use of the word team here is not by accident because I also work with athletes focused on a desire to win. He also runs sessions with clients online and visits corporate clients and events as needed.

JUNE is the first month of summer – what will you be doing this summer in your business?

I run weekly drop-in sessions for relaxation, and these will continue throughout June – bookings are available on my website.  Plus, I imagine a lot of conversations with clients will turn towards holidays, better weather and what they hope to achieve over the coming weeks and months.

What are your personal plans for summer activities if you feel happy to share? 

I plan on spending quality time with my son and other half.  It includes visits to the sea (restrictions allowing), plenty of water sports and lots of time with the friends and family I have missed throughout the last year. 

Does June hold any particular significance for you or your business?

Nothing springs to mind – though perhaps this June something amazing will happen that I can reflect back on in June 2022.  I am however speaking at a couple of major events, where I have been approached to be a keynote speaker on topics including mental health and stress.

June is National Smile Month. With that in mind, what things in your business make you smile?  

Without question it is the positive changes I see in my clients as sessions progress. I love to hear them telling me about the goals they have achieved and the things they have done that they previously felt were out of reach.  It makes me smile and also ensures I look forward to seeing them time after time.

I also enjoy all the networking and catching up I do with fellow local businesses – it is an opportunity to learn from each other and share ideas. 

Are there any things in business generally which make you ‘less smiley’?

Not that I can think of. Hypnotherapy is my second career – I learnt a lot from my first working in PR (and am delighted to still support some wonderful clients in that area).  I think through that I have learnt what I enjoy and how best to bring that into my hypnotherapy business. 

June is often associated in nature with growth and abundance – what are your plans for growth in your business this year? 

Wow – that is a huge question – particularly when your whole business is based around positive changes for clients.  As you can imagine that means I have extensive goals of my own.  Most though are about using my business to enable positive growth in my personal life as one inevitably leads to the other.  

So aside from further business development I am looking forward to benefiting from lockdown restrictions lifting and what that brings plus some fitness goals.  I have completed the Devizes to Westminster Canoe Race four times to date and want to do so again in 2022… training starts now.

As we hit this mid point in 2021 and we’re still coming out of the pandemic – which one business has really supported or helped you over the last quarter? 

James Macpherson Just Mortgages - This is a blatant plug for one of my closest friends. I haven’t actually needed his services specifically – though hope to at some point soon. However, we live about four doors apart and have kept each other sane throughout lockdown – whether that is through idle chat, business development ideas or simply offering to pick up toilet roll, milk and flour, whenever either has gone shopping.

And finally: 

Hypnotherapy is not what you see on the TV, I won’t have you running round like a chicken or doing anything out of the ordinary.  As a solution focused hypnotherapist everything I do is designed to provide positive support, growth and change.  Initial consultations last about 45 minutes and are absolutely free. You have nothing to lose by giving me a call so please do get in touch or suggest hypnotherapy as a solution to anyone you feel might benefit.

For more information visit www.adam-baggs.com

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