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Jodie Fraser from Fraser Allen Estate Management - Summer Q&A 2021

It’s June already and we’re half way through the year – it’s also officially the first month of summer, and what a glorious weekend we've just had!

Let's continue to celebrate the fantastic business owners we have in our region and beyond. Today we're talking to Jodie Fraser, Fraser Allen Estate Management, a company which specialises in residential block Management and is committed to ensuring clients' needs are put first. For more information visit www.fraserallenem.co.uk

JUNE is the first month of summer – what will you be doing this summer in your business?

This summer is the start of some major works on a number of our developments.  This is the part of the job that I personally enjoy the most.  Taking a project and being able to run with it, to bring together different trades and in some circumstances, restore the original beauty of a historic building.  

What are your personal plans for summer activities?

As much as I would have loved to travel abroad with my family, this year we are going to stay a bit closer to home and spend as much time with my daughter as much as possible.  She loves sand and water so I’m looking forward to seeing her enjoy herself at the beach.  

Does June hold any particular significance for you or your business? 

June always reminds me of family holidays from when I was a child and being on holiday over Father’s Day.  

In terms of my business, June is a time to start thinking about autumn works, such as planning in gutter clearances, bin store cleaning at the end of the summer and potentially thinking about internal decoration works.  

June is National Smile Month. With that in mind, what things in your business make you smile? 

1. A job well done. Completing a task, in particular a task that is complicated and causing concern or upset for a client makes the hard work worthwhile.  

2. Seeing a project through to completion and consequently seeing the residents happy with the results.  

3. Working with like minded men and women to achieve success.  

Are there any things in business generally which make you ‘less smiley’?

When no matter how hard I work to resolve an issue, I can’t seem to find a common ground and move forward with residents.  

Unfortunately there are times when you’re blamed for something that isn’t your fault and its not always easy to deal with some of the abuse that can come your way. 

June is often associated in nature with growth and abundance – what are your plans for growth this year? 

I have always been an advocate for personal development. I enjoy learning and I enjoy looking at ways to make myself better and to make my business work and run better.  

My aim for this year is to continue to do the best I can for my clients and residents and should the opportunity arise to grow my portfolio, I would welcome it and look forward to working with new clients.  

As we hit this mid point in 2021 and we’re still coming out of the pandemic – which one business has really supported or helped you over the last quarter? This can be a supplier, client or even as a consumer.

Hughes Paddison Solicitors have been really helpful in general, but certainly in the past few months they have assisted with a number of different queries for clients and I am grateful for their support.  

Have you got any events planned for the coming months which you’d like to mention – where you and/or your business will take a leading role? 

I am planning to offer legal and property advice for free to anyone who may feel unsure about a situation that they’re in or would just like some re assurance.  

This is a postponed event from 2020 and is associated with my involvement with the Small Business 100.  This event will take place on Friday 10th September 2021 9am-12pm

And finally: 

We would love to speak to anyone who may be unhappy with their existing agent and would like to discuss their options to work with us. We can be contacted on 01242 399150 or [email protected]   

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6 Gold View, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8ZG

Fraser Allen Estate Management

Festival House, Jessop Avenue, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire , GL50 3SH

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