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Your Total Guide To Business

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Hannah Edwards from Empowered VA Services - Summer August Q&A 2021

We've been talking to various business owners about their summer and autumn plans and today we're talking to Hannah Edwards who runs Empowered VA Services. Hannah supports small business owners to work on the big picture whilst she focuses on the admin tasks. Based in Swindon she has clients all over the UK and in the USA.

How is August looking in your business? 

August is always a surprise month for me. I expect it to be quiet with parents taking time to be with their family during the school holidays and in reality, it means I’m even busier making sure my clients have peace of mind that their businesses are going to be running smoothly even if they aren’t there.

What are your personal plans for this month?

My godson is on summer holidays so I’m hoping to get on some days out with him, his little brother and their mum. We normally go to Roves Farm so that they get the fun and we get to raid the farm shop for the fresh food!

Did you know August 21 is World Entrepreneurs Day? What does this word mean to you and do you apply it to yourself? 

I’ve decided I am going to start celebrating being entrepreneurial this year! I never really thought of myself as an entrepreneur until I reached the stage in my business where I could start seeing it working as a business and not a hobby. I also believe that being an entrepreneur does not always mean running a large business - many people are entrepreneurial and use this skill to achieve modest goals. And that's okay. 

Can you name one business you’d like to give a summer shout out too? 

It’s hard to think of just one ! I’m lucky enough to have a large support network that I’ve met through networking. I was very fortunate to meet Fiona Scott of Scott Media early on in my business and we’re still working together four years on. I’ve not only gained clients through her network but I’ve learnt a lot about the running of a business and to go with instinct about whether something seems to be too good to be true or not.

As we move further through the pandemic, how are you feeling about the future of business in general in August 2021? 

I’m looking forward to getting back out there and seeing other business owners in the real world as opposed to on a computer screen. I've just had my second jab so I'm feeling safer and happier.

It means I can also take the time to support other small businesses like the café down the road where you can occasionally find me working away at my laptop and drinking a lot of tea!

Have you got any services or special offers you’d like to mention? 

I think now is a great time for business owners to think about their newsletter and whether it needs a revamp or they want to start one. 

September is my birthday month so from August 1st to September 30th anyone who emails me on [email protected] with the word TOTALGUIDE will get their newsletter design and management on a monthly basis for £35 instead of the normal £45.

And finally, August 16 is National Tell a Joke Day? Can you tell us a joke and raise a laugh? 

Why is Peter Pan always flying? Because he Neverlands (I love this joke because it never gets old!) 

For more information visit www.empoweredvaservices.co.uk

Fiona Scott Media Consultancy Swindon

Scott Media

Scott Media is run by a UK-based journalist with more than 20 years' experience in the media - print, radio and television.

6 Gold View, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8ZG

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