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September Talk With Kari Sherman from Tom Pom Organic

September is here. It's the month when autumn officially arrives - the autumn equinox fell on September 22. What does this month hold for you and your business?

Today we're talking to Kari Sherman who is managing director of Tom Pom Organic which creates handmade frozen purees and meals for babies and toddlers and currently operating in the London and Surrey areas. 

How has September been for you and your business? 

September has been exciting with a few pitches, the start of a six week growth strategy course for myself and of course the Nourish Awards Gala which took place last week.

The team and I will be focusing on sales and marketing along with collaborating on several blogs and working on our charity fundraiser for FareShare UK. 

What are your personal plans?

With my older boys back to school, it is always a great month to get on top of things around my home and gardens, start to plan the year ahead and catch up with some friends and family!

September is also known as ‘organic’ month – do you shop, dress, or behave with green ethics in mind? 

I was raised with an eco-mind.  We were different than my friends with the reuse of items, home cooking, appreciating nature’s gifts. 

For me, being eco isn’t a new trend, it is a lifestyle that I have always had and brought my boys up with – we shop at plastic free shops or markets with reusable produce bags and containers, I buy sustainable or reused clothing and furniture, only have an electric car (the best thing ever!) and offset our travel with donations to the Woodland Trust.

World Gratitude Day takes place this month – what are you grateful for at the moment?

I am very grateful that my close family and friends are healthy and have navigated through Covid reasonably well.  As a business I am grateful that there is interest in a healthy, less processed option for weaning and hope that with hard work we can scale up to be able to provide our products to all parents who want that option.   

Have you got any events planned you’d like to shout about – either that you are running or attending? 

Shout out to the Nourish Awards Gala which took place on Friday September 24. We're shortlisted!

Have you got any services or special offers you’d like to mention? 

Tom Pom Organic offers tips and recipes on weaning, living an eco-friendly family life (with an economical eye) and living with food allergies.  We currently offer home delivery within the M25 but will be expanding, so follow us @tompomorganic for updates and weaning fun!

And finally, as a bit of fun, September marks Teddy Bear Day? Do you have your childhood teddy bear – or are you a bit of a kid with ‘grown up’ teddy bears? 

My childhood bear is seriously still in my room!  My little white bear has travelled with me abroad since I was a young teenager, and it sits next to a beautiful handmade Mauritian doll on a chair in my room!  Plumpos is his name, and he rocks it. 

For more information visit www.tompomorganic.com

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