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Annabel Carington

November Talk with Annabel Carington of Carington Creative

IT’S NOVEMBER! – the year is coming to an end and Q4 is well under way. We’re talking to small business owners about their plans for the last two months of the year.

Today we’re talking to Annabel Carington who is the founder of Carington Creative.

Annabel offers copywriting and research for tech, third sector and arts and culture organisations and has clients Wiltshire to Scotland and beyond!

What’s your business highlight for November 2022 (or even from October 2022)?
I was thrilled when I got the news this week that one of my clients has won a business award. I’ve been working with him for about six months and his business is all about his clients, so I was over the moon for him. I’m really glad I decided to nominate him and write the award entry as he really deserves the recognition.

I’m also excited to have brought on a new client from the third sector. I love working with charities and it's an area of my business I'm actively looking to expand so it was great to bring on a new organisation, especially as they came to me through a recommendation.

And what about a personal highlight this last month?
Believe it or not, sleeping on an air bed in my daughter's studio flat! She's grown up and is now living independently in London and it was the first time I'd gone to stay in her home. Any parent has so many of these ‘first time’ experiences to get used to and they can sometimes feel quite odd, but it was wonderful to see her happy and thriving in her own life that she has built, and it really highlighted to me what an enormous privilege it is to be her mother. She's already put the next date in the diary for me to go and stay with her again and I’m looking forward to it enormously.

This is a month for Bonfire Night & Diwali – do either of those hold meaning or memory for you?
I’ve always loved nighttime and been fascinated by how we illuminate it. From an early age I was captivated by fireworks and remember going to a beautiful Diwali event when I was aged 8 and being spellbound by the sight of a river full of floating candles. Finding creative ways to see our way through darkness seems to be a fundamental part of the human condition and I think what these two festivals show us is that there is sometimes incredible beauty and insight to be found even in the darkest of corners.

Are you doing anything in November for charity or for a community or volunteer project?
I’ve recently started volunteering at a local food bank. Whatever your views on the existence of food banks in one of the largest economies in the world, the fact remains that they’re here and more and more people are relying on them to feed themselves and their children. None of us is immune to social vulnerability and no one should feel embarrassed or ashamed of having to sometimes rely on these kinds of services. We’re facing some very difficult times ahead and I firmly believe the only way we're going to get through is by helping each other as much as we can so that as few people as possible suffer. I live on my own and don't have small children or elderly relatives to care for, so I came to the conclusion that if I couldn't give up a few hours of my week to help other people in a way that reassures them and helps maintains their dignity then there was something quite wrong with my own life! 

Has the recent turmoil in the economy, government or the cost of living crisis affected your business? Or your personal life in any way that you are happy to share?
Like everyone, I’ve actively cut back on personal expenses and am constantly looking to see where I can make further savings to try and shore up some security. I’m buying more of my food at my local open-air market, especially fresh food, as it's cheaper than the supermarket and helps support local traders. I'm actively trying to support local independent businesses wherever I can.

In my business I have noticed a slow down in the number of ad hoc enquiries and I’m hearing the same from every freelancer and small-business owner around me. I know a few freelancers who haven't raised an invoice for a couple of months and are very scared of what's ahead. I’m trying to remain dynamic and offer services at a range of price points but it's difficult for everyone at the moment, I think.

What’s your top tip for being positive in the midst of a lot of negativity?
Treating the more basic aspects of life as non-negotiable priorities. Doing this has been a game-changer for me. These include rationing the sources of negativity by limiting my news intake, turning my phone off and going for a long walk, and looking after my brain by eating healthily and never ever sacrificing sleep. Because we're all busy and thinking about ‘bigger' issues it's easy to overlook these more pedestrian elements and not regard them as essential but, for me, they have a major impact on how I deal every other part of my life and my abilities to think creatively, problem-solve and be resilient.

Did you know November 13 is World Kindness Day – has anyone shown kindness to you in the last month or so? At home and/or work? 
The kindness and generosity of the business community never ceases to amaze me and it's especially touching at the moment to see bigger, more established companies genuinely concerned about smaller, newer businesses and thinking about how they can be supported to survive the next few months. I’m fortunate to have several established businesses making a genuine effort to recommend me to others on a regular basis and I’m always mindful of what a kindness this is and how much difference it makes. I never take it for granted.

It’s also Black Friday on November 26 which is now quite mainstream – do you participate in this within your business? Or do you prefer the Buy Nothing Day on November 27?
I don't participate in Black Friday in my own business as I think it's more suitable for product-led businesses and seems best suited to bigger companies who are selling mass-produced goods. I do think it will be interesting this year, though, to see what response it gets, and whether consumers will participate in it less because they're mindful of spending money, or if they will see it as a helpful way to purchase goods they need at a reduced cost

Are there any awareness days or special weeks in November which are relevant to your business/organisation or sector?
I work a lot with social enterprise and third sector organisations, so Social Enterprise Day is an opportunity to really celebrate the meaningful work they do and highlight the contribution they make to our communities and society as a whole. It's often the boards of these kinds of organisations, for example, that push for much-needed research and legislative change to help protect the most vulnerable and ensure that the needs of those whose lives have been impacted by unfortunate circumstances are not overlooked or disregarded.

Have you got any services or special offers you’d like to mention?
I’ve recently introduced a copywriting power hour which I’m offering at a reduced price of £99 until the end of 2022. Effective and engaging writing is essential for any business but there are many business owners, especially if they're working alone or are just starting out, who are not yet in a position to hire a professional copywriter. An hour with me helps them to overcome some of the writing blocks they may have and gives them the opportunity to gain clarification on website content, email structure, brand voice tips, or even product names, for example. They also receive a helpful ‘writing tips’ guide to take away with them. 

Find out more about Annabel at https://www.caringtoncreative.co.uk/

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