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November Talk with Wade Saxton

November is here, the year is coming to an end and Q4 is well under way. What’s the temperature of business in our community and beyond? Today we’re talking to Wade Saxton who is CEO of Smoke & Bacon Media LLC based in Richmond, Virginia U.S.A. This business works closely with veterans across the USA and aims to do the same elsewhere.

What’s your business highlight for November 2021?
We completed the rebuild of our new corporate website, brought online the framework for our new ecommerce store, launched RTMP protocol to allow people to stream into our community and completed the super secret ‘Project Legends’ practical work. Phew we are tired! 

And what about a personal highlight this month?
Personally, I am extremely proud of the team here at Smoke & Bacon Media. Not only have they excelled at overcoming technical challenges with regard to upgrades, we also have grown as a team and family.  

November represents Movember – Men’s Health Awareness Month. What, if anything does this mean to you?
This means so much as our demographic is primarily male. We have a unique ability to get health information out to our community that most men are either ignoring or too embarrassed to inquire about, like ball health, ‘keep them nuts healthy boys’ with a good old self check, and if something feels weird go see your doctor. 

November 13 is World Kindness Day – has anyone shown kindness to you in the last month or so? Kindness is a relative term, for example we have a large veteran community as such it is not irregular to have one veteran call another veteran something offensive and that veteran call the first veteran something even more offensive. This is the highest kindness that can be paid among veterans in the USA as it shows their love for each other. So yes have I and other members of the community been shown or provided someone else with kindness lately, you bet your ass I have! 

It’s also Black Friday on November 26 which is now quite mainstream – do you participate in this within your business? Or do you prefer the Buy Nothing Day on November 27?
We absolutely love Black Friday, it’s almost a holiday in itself here. We get popcorn and sodas, bring up YouTube on the big screen and laugh at all everyone fighting over a 2 dollar toaster or a 5 dollar kettle, the Saturday after is even better as more videos get uploaded and it’s like a new holiday all over again. There’s nothing funnier in my opinion then the pure greed and consumerism that causes two little ladies or two giant men to feel the need to beat the hell out of each other over a tv now on sale for 10 dollars.  I’m pretty sure if there is alien life out there, I’m also pretty sure when the aliens fly by earth Momma Alien tells their kids to lock the doors and roll up the UFO windows, we are going by that ghetto called earth where they make a sport out of fighting each other over discount products one day a year. 

Are there any awareness days or special weeks in November which are relevant to you or your business?We celebrate thanksgiving on November 25th, with, yes turkey! 

Have you got any events planned for November or December you’d like to shout about – either that you are running or attending? 
Our goal is to Host the Project Legends release somewhere in the beginning to mid December, I’d love to tell you more but it’s super secret squirrel! 

Have you got any services or special offers you’d like to mention? 
We are doing half off everything in our store, with the exception of our clothing, for Black Friday. One day only and the sale ends either at midnight Friday or when we are out of stuff.  

And finally:  
One of our core values here at Smoke & Bacon is to help struggling small veteran owned business at cost or free. We provide advertising in our community across our radio stations and email network, among many other benefits to try and build up these smaller businesses. 

We do this by allowing them access to our entire network, services, and abilities to help them succeed. This program is unique as there is no other media company out there that partners with these small businesses to help them grow and succeed. Yes I’m talking about you Facebook, Instagram and the rest of the big techs. 

With the small difference we make could you imagine what they could do? With that being said here is the list of partners for 2022. It is my pleasure to try and help these businesses succeed by proving support in all aspects of their business around the clock for 2022.  

Returning partners from 2021 for 2022:

Misty Lynn - Holistic Hearth



James McNeil - The Inspirational Connection



Carrie Beavers - Soldier Girl Coffee



And new partners for 2022

Shawna Barnes - Images Print House



Christine Walker - At Ease Magazine



Ginger and David - Really Designs



Chaz Hickcox - Crossed Industries



Jason Curtis -Bonovera


For more information visit www.smokeandbacon.com

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