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TGt Meets...Samantha Jayne, Author, Business Coach & Director of Samantha Jayne Ltd - IWD Special

By Samantha Jayne who is an author, business coach and director of Wiltshire-based Samantha Jayne Ltd. She is a healer and coach and combine all her abilities to help clients shift their blocks and move forward, whether in their business or personal lives. These blocks can be old thinking, fears or even habits tholding them back. She helps people with their self esteem and self awareness. She's based in Uffcott.

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #choosetochallenge – what would you choose to challenge when it comes to gender equality or inequality this year? 

In business I would like to challenge that the world of politics and high power roles, leadership roles, in large companies which are still dominated by men. I feel that what the world needs now is a more balanced input into the bigger decisions made by corporates and politicians. That these aspects are out of balance. I would love to see more women going into politics and being encouraged by their male colleagues to pursue the more powerful roles. To recognise both men and women are equally capable of being leaders.  

In general life, I would like women to be recognised for their input into us 'surviving' through Covid19. I work with so many women who are expected to still work full time, run their businesses, and home educate numerous children at home whilst doing so. The women are also looked upon to support their family units emotionally and mentally too, far more than men, and I am witnessing a lot of breakdown and burnout because of this.  

Thinking of your own experience in the world of business – which inequalities, if any, have you experienced personally or witnessed around gender? 

I'm not sure I should write this, but when I was in mainstream employment, I have numerous times been offered advancement in return for sexual favours, I have also had it in the psychic world I work in. I have never given in to it and my career has been affected by this. 

I have also had many clients tell me that their male bosses treat them as 'wives', expecting them to do everything and anything, run every errand and make up for the short fallings in their own work. 

Have you during your career ever challenged a situation where you felt a woman (even it’s yourself) has been disadvantaged by gender? 

No. I would now though, but back then I was much more timid when it came to these things. I felt caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, and as a single mum, completely reliant on my income, I never wanted to rock the boat. 

What do you think women offer in particular to the world of business? 

I think women have the potential to be stronger leaders. They are able to bring a different energy, a different vibe and vision to roles that exist today. They are capable of working logically and intuitively to get a job done. Not all men can do this. Just like men, women are strong and more determined than ever to be a success story in this world. 

What do you think men offer in particular to the world of business?

I feel men are great at bringing in strength and unwavering determination to get jobs done, methodical and logical in their approach on the whole. 

Is gender important when it comes to success in business? 


Can you name any woman you admire? 

Oprah Winfrey - because she used everything she had, everything she walked through to give life everything she had to give and in doing so inspired so many. 

Can you name any man you admire? 

Manjit Singh Dol of Absolutely Fit (Swindon based company) - because he has taken personal training to a whole new level. He wanted to combine science with exercise so he went out and got the degree, whilst still running his business and providing for his family. I have watched him put his body through massive shifts to prove the science behind how to sculpt your body. 

Do you think women who start their own business experience more challenges than men? 

To a degree, not particularly in terms of business itself, but in terms of juggling home life and business. 

What do you think about the gender pay gap? 

Old school still being in charge of these matters. This is a key thing that needs to stop, in my opinion. So many women are the main breadwinners, or the only income into their homes. Women deserve every penny just as a man does. 

What do you think about the International Women’s Day movement?

I love it because like any National Day, it has the power to get us to just stop for a moment and think about these things. 

And finally:

I love being a woman!

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