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Samantha Jayne's 2021 Business Growth & Plans

Today we meet spiritual business coach, author & psychic medium Samantha Jayne.

It's April – how does this month fit into the ebb & flow of your year?

I am looking forward to being able to open my doors once more for my one to one, in person client sessions. April brings with it a new energy and I have new business coaching clients that I am looking forward to working with too. A month for growth and positivity is on the cards here! 

As always I also have my 'Aligned for Success' Session which shows business owners how to connect with the energies when doing business. I love this approach and it creates a whole new way of being in flow with abundance. 

Are you in a business which is either opening up this month – or preparing to open up? 

Yes! I am re-opening this month for one to one, in-person client sessions. It will be great to now have the option for clients to see me in the flesh as it were, rather than through the lens of Zoom. I think we are all a little Zoomed out if I am honest.

I am looking forward to helping people shift the negativity of the last 12 months through my healing and coaching sessions once more. 

What are you most looking forward to as the country tries to ‘open up’?

Just seeing people in person. I will be maintaining social distancing of course, but making that physical connection can be so important. I am also looking forward to what I hope to be a new wave of positivity across the UK. 

It’s also Stress Awareness Month, what measures have you taken in your business to reduce the stress on yourself & your team?

I've always worked with people who have stress in their lives and helped them to work through it and shift that negative stress through my work with energy. 

What do you do personally to support your health and wellbeing?

For me meditate at least twice a day and self healing every day. I also make a point of spending time alone and outdoors so I can really shake off the outside world and get back to being me. Just me. So I can intuitively know which way to move the business and my life forward. 

Do you see your product/service as one which supports the health and wellbeing of others such as your clients?

Absolutely. I have been working with people with mental health struggles for many, many years. I also work with children who are struggling with anxiety or are on the autistic spectrum. They have struggled so much with returning to school. I help heal people who are lost, and who feel like there is no point in going on. 

As the year goes on, will you take health and wellbeing more seriously going forward?

Walking through three lockdowns and all the stress that goes with losing business premises, losing income overnight and now the journey of recovering the business, I certainly have learnt that time management and stress management are key. Also that is not only ok, it is imperative, to walk away from the laptop. 

Have you got any Spring services or special offers you’d like to mention?

I have now opened enrolment for my Success Programme, a 12 month business coaching programme helping service based Entrepreneurs get back to what they love doing.

And finally:

I'd like to wish everyone a happy and healthy Spring full of positivity, hope and prosperity. 

Find out more about her work and services here https://needapsychic.co.uk

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