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September Talk with Caroline Peyton from Peyton Principles

September is here. It's the month when autumn officially arrives - the autumn equinox is on September 22. What does this month hold for you and your business? What are you looking forward to for the rest of this year? What events are pending for you? What advice would you give to others? What are you grateful for in September?

Today we're talking to Caroline Peyton of Peyton Principles who is a qualified nutritionist, naturopath and gut health expert. She has run clinics in Swindon, the Cotswolds and online for 11 years. 

What’s coming up for your business this month?

Over the past year I have really started to specialise in the area of digestive and gut health so I’m having the final push to ensure my website really reflects this.

It will provide information and education so that people really start to understand how the health of the gut reflects far more than just digestive symptoms and impacts our overall health from auto-immune conditions, weight, mental health, skin health and so, so much more.

What are your personal plans for this month?

I am really looking forward to a week away with my family (including my  21 year old twin daughters). We’ve had two cancelled holidays in the past 18 months and it’s now over two years since we had a holiday together. Not only am I looking forward to a break after a busy year but to spending proper quality time with my family. 

September is also known as ‘organic’ month – do you shop, dress, or behave with green ethics in mind? 

As a nutritionist I am always conscious of the impact of fertilisers and pesticides on food. I encourage clients to look at the “Clean Fifteen Dirty Dozen” information to make informed choices about choosing organic food in an economical way. Some fruit and vegetables are sprayed far more than others!  And I always choose organic chicken and dairy.

World Gratitude Day takes place this month – what are you grateful for at the moment?

I am grateful for being able to own my lovely horse Rolo who has kept me grounded and sane over the past year or so. Being able to hack in beautiful countryside with friends has been a blessing and this Summer I have been out and about eventing too.

Who are you grateful for at the moment? 

My husband who “gets” me. Who understands my frustrations and just lets me be me! 

And to all my clients who have supported me and provide me with the motivation to keep doing what I love to do.

What are your hopes for business in general this year? 

Please no more lockdowns. 

They do not work and have crippled businesses and livelihoods. 

Open up travel for similar reasons too. 

Have you got any events planned you’d like to shout about – either that you are running or attending? 

I am really excited to be running another 14 day low cost group nutrition and lifestyle programme commencing 4th October. “14 Day Reboot: Kickstart your way to better health this Winter”. 

I love these supportive and motivational programmes that bring people (virtually) together. I provide a full 14 day selection of healthy recipes, advice and tips, information sheets, live sessions to ask me questions and much more. 

All this for £35 and 50% will be donated to my Charity of the Year The Churn Project in Cirencester which supports more vulnerable people in society.

Have you got any services or special offers you’d like to mention? 

See above. This is a special programme to help people get back on track with healthy eating and end the confusion over what to eat. It will support energy, weight, immunity and more.

And finally, as a bit of fun, September marks Teddy Bear Day? Do you have your childhood teddy bear – or are you a bit of a kid with ‘grown up’ teddy bears? 

Ah well that would have to be Panda who I still have somewhere. He’s in a bit of a sorry state now but I couldn’t possibly part with him.

For more information visit www.peytonprinciples.com

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