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September Talk with Kelly Swingler

September is here. It's the month when autumn officially arrives - the autumn equinox is on September 22. What does this month hold for you and your business? What are you looking forward to for the rest of this year? What events are pending for you? What advice would you give to others? What are you grateful for in September?

Today we're talking to Kelly Swingler, Executive Coach at Kelly Swingler LTD. Kelly provides executive coaching and development for professional women.  Based in Cambridgeshire, Kelly works with women from around the world. 

What’s coming up for your business in September? 

It's an exciting month. Yesterday my Be Your Own VIP community launched.  This is a membership community for professional women with a focus on the five areas of wellbeing: mental, emotional, physical, financial and spiritual. 

There’s weekly yoga and meditation classes, monthly goal setting and accountability calls, a monthly masterclass led by an expert and a monthly Ask Me Anything.  

Reports following the pandemic show that mental health concerns coupled with a fear of no career development are impacting women significantlyand Be Your Own VIP will play a pivotal role in changing this and helping women to focus on themselves and their aspirations.  

The launch of Inspiring Workplaces takes place on 15th September, where I’ll be hosting this brand new event with Matt Manners with a focus on inspiring leaders to change the world of work.  As well as host I’ll be one of the first Storytellers for that event too.

What are your personal plans for this month?

September is my birthday month and I’ll be celebrating my 41st birthday on September 10th at one of my favourite restaurants.  On 4th and 5th September my youngest stepson is having a party to celebrate his 11th birthday and then two of my nieces have their birthday toward the end of the month, they live in Germany but we’ll be catching up via Zoom. 

So lots of cakes, lots of parties and, I ramp up my training for my vEverest attempt with my incredible friend Ian Pettigrew where on 13th February 2022 we’ll be attempting to cycle the height of Everest from our homes to raise money for Hope for Justice - an amazing charity focusing efforts on ending modern day slavery and trafficking.

September is also known as ‘organic’ month – do you shop, dress, or behave with green ethics in mind? 

All of my clothes are from sustainable brands, my cosmetics are vegan and cruelty free and I eat as much of a plant based diet as I possibly can.  Since our house move last October I’ve started to grow my own salads and vegetables and I’ve currently got a new supply of micro greens sprouting nicely.  Our local farm shop provides a lot of our meals, especially for the meat eaters of the house.

World Gratitude Day takes place this month – what are you grateful for at the moment? 

I’m grateful for the time away last month.  A lovely week in Yorkshire and a week on the Norfolk Broads.  A slower pace, lots of walking, lots of recharging the batteries and getting ready for a busy September.  Any break from the norm is welcome at the moment after the Groundhog Day of the last 18 months.

Who are you grateful for at the moment? 

I’m grateful to my wonderful partner who always supports my decisions, my work and our combined family.  

I’m grateful for my twin sons, Callum and Robert.  They have grown into amazing young men, and I’m grateful for the opportunities they are embracing for themselves at the moment, lots of proud mum moments. 

I could go on, so many people to mention.

What are your hopes for business in general this year? 

I hope we see much more recognition and support for small and local businesses.  I don’t know about anyone else, but we wouldn’t have gotten through the pandemic without local businesses stepping up to make a change to their business to support local people.  

I hope leaders recognise that they do NOT need their people back in the office every day of the week.   There’s a big push to get people commuting to the office again and it’s unnecessary- we’ve proved there’s a different way.  

And I'd love to see more companies embracing the four day working week, it really does make a huge difference to wellbeing and productivity.

Have you got any events planned you’d like to shout about – either that you are running or attending? 

Obviously, I’ve got to give a shout-out for the Be Your Own VIP community.  And spaces are now on sale for the 2022 Masterclasses and Power Up Retreat.  These will sell out before Christmas and VIP members get a 20% discount. Find out more here - https://www.kellyswingler.com/beyourownvip

And finally, as a bit of fun, September marks Teddy Bear Day? Do you have your childhood teddy bear – or are you a bit of a kid with ‘grown up’ teddy bears? 

I still have my sons' teddy bears but no longer any of my own.  My partner Mick always wins me a teddy if ever we pass any amusements on our travels, the kids usually take them by the time we get to the car and many have been donated.  

Actually, I do have a YMCA teddy on my desk as a reminder of the volunteering I do and the difference it makes to people!

For more information visit www.kellyswingler.com

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