Twitter: Four to Follow - November
If you're looking to add current and creative people to your network, here's a list of some Twitter users we think you might like to follow and engage with.
@BassetDownGolf Take a swing at Basset Down Golf club, with a beautiful 9 hole course, and floodlit driving range, it is open to everyone. So whether you're a pro, or beginner get yourself on the green. Give them a follow for events & information.
@Anjelica1956 Owner of 'AA Edits' the company offers your business a variety of services. From copywriting to proofing, AA edits can ensure that for any type of business, you have the right literature. Not to mention finding a way to get your message across. Keep up with all their latest news.
@WyvernTheatre With the festive season approaching, you can bet that the Wyvern Theatre have a spectacular line up of shows for you. The pantomime is also on it's way, so give them a follow and keep up to date with event, offers and competitions.
@ConsolUK Winter has arrived, and the weather isn't holding back. However if you're after that summer glow through the festive season, give Consol a visit. Top up that brozed look - give them a follow for offers & competitions.