Review: Cinderella Pantomime at Wyvern Theatre
'Tis the season, and we couldn't wait to go and see the panto at Wyvern Theatre. This year it's Cinderella starring Ryan Thomas (aka Jason Grimshaw) and we sent our resident theatre buff, Patricia Ledger, along to give us her review!
It`s that most wonderful time of the year and what better way of getting in the festive spirit than attending a Pantomime; especially Cinderella at The Wyvern Theatre Swindon.
This production has it all - a show packed with energy, silliness, jokes, singing and dancing, sing-a-longs and a superlative cast. Audience participation is an integral part of Panto and we in The Wyvern audience certainly did not let the tradition down. The whole show is a Panto tour de force.

The sets and costumes were gorgeous. Cinderella`s transformation from rags to ballgown was unbelievable; how she magically changed was incredible! Everything you’d expect from a great Panto was here - the ghostly skeletons, the humour, songs and dances and audience participation. Almost as much fun to watch as the production itself were the children’s reactions. Such wondrous delight and joy on their little faces!

It is almost impossible to single out anyone with praise as every performer acted their socks off. What a delight to see the handsome, hunky builder from Coronation Street transformed into the gorgeous, debonair Prince Charming - a great Panto debut from Ryan Thomas performed with aplomb. Victoria Farley portrayed the beautiful Cinderella to perfection with a voice to match. Abigail Matthews was a wonderful, bewitching, sparkly Fairy Godmother and Cole Dunn gave us an exemplary portrayal of Dandini.

What I love about Cinderella is that you get two Dames for the price of one! The Ugly Sisters, as played by the irrepressible David Ashley and the hilarious Louie Westwood, were a joy to behold. Their antics were greeted with abounding mirth by we, the theatre goers. There was amazing interaction with the audience and on the night we attended a star was born when an unsuspecting member of the public, Ian, was cajoled on to the stage! David and Louie should hold a masterclass for future Panto Dames; I can only say they were perfection. One to watch out for is Dickie Wood (playing Buttons) who is a star in the making. He has everything: energy, humour, charisma, a magnificent voice and even pathos when he lost his love Cinderella to Prince Charming.

This is one of the best Pantomime productions I have ever seen - and I have seen a few! I would love to go again and would certainly urge you to try and get along and see this – it’s the hottest ticket in the west.
Many thanks to the Wyvern and their Team for bringing this memorable production to Swindon.
Cinderella runs until Sunday the 8th January 2017. Check out their website for times and ticket availability.