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Lambing Time at Roves Farm

It’s Lambing time again at Roves Farm. They love this special time, welcoming new life on to the farm.

It’s Lambing time again here at Roves Farm. This is a highlight of our year, welcoming new life onto the farm.

Spend some time on our viewing walkway looking out over the lambing barn as the day’s action unfolds.  You may be lucky enough to see a lamb or two being born!  Our active lambing dates are:

24th – 26th January. Once all the lambs have arrived you can interact with them and their mum’s in our walk-in family pen from around 26th January. A truly unique experience not to be missed!

7th – 17th April. The ewes & lambs can be viewed easily from the walkway. Unfortunately these sheep cannot be interacted with.

We have two flocks here at Roves.  The first to lamb are the Poll Dorset ewes in January.  They are very calm and friendly and enjoy all the attention they get at lambing time. Visitors can walk among them and get up close to the lambs. A unique and amazing experience!

Our second flock are the Continental-cross ewes, who lamb in April.  They are more nervous than the Poll Dorset breed so not so easy to make friends with! However, you can still view them and their lambs from the walkway.  Visitors can also help with bottle feeding some of the lambs when they are a few weeks old.

Spend some time on their viewing walkway looking out over the lambing shed as the day’s action unfolds. You may be lucky enough to see a lamb or three being born!

Plus, there will be all the usual fun on the farm with activities, indoor & outdoor play, Toddler Time and meet & feed the animals.


Monday 7 April 2025

Price: General Admission Ticket

Near Highworth

Roves Farm

W: rovesfarm.co.uk

E: [email protected]

T: 01793 763939

Roves Farm

Roves Farm

Sevenhampton, Near Highworth, Swindon, SN6 7QG

Roves Farm
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