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During these uncertain times, New College Swindon wants to reassure students of all ages, that advice and guidance is on hand to help them with their next steps.

New College will be holding its third virtual open event on Tues 28th July between 10am-6pm. This event is open to everyone, whether they have applied to New College or haven’t yet decided their plans. Information will be available on all courses and levels, including: School Leavers, Part-time, Higher Education, Access, Adult Learning, Pre-16, Professional Qualifications, Apprenticeships and much more! Virtual visitors will be able to view videos, photos and information from a wide variety of staff and subject areas.

Amanda Walton, Head of Marketing and Customer Services at New College Swindon said: “This event is so important, to staff and students. We’re working very hard to make sure that students can access as much information as possible about our courses and facilities at New College. We also want to offer the live chat session, so that students can have their questions answered on the spot by staff. We know this is a very worrying time for a lot of people, and we want to try and offer support where we can, and in the most visual and informative way possible.” 

For anyone that hasn’t yet applied to New College and would like to, this can be done at any time via the New College website.

Pre-register for the event: https://www.newcollege.ac.uk/virtual

New College Swindon

New College Swindon

New College Swindon is perfect for your next step after school, an interesting adult evening class, a professional or business qualification, a course to get you back into the world of work or even a life-changing degree course.

New College Drive, Swindon, SN3 1AH, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1DY, Adult Learning Centre, Focal Point, 27-35 Fleet St, Swindon SN1 1RQ,

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