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This week has mostly involved me being some kind of minor injuries unit for the boys. I think it's mainly due to them being outside all the time and in the case of the two year old being a little tinker, but I’m sure most parents are with me in wanting to avoid a trip to A&E right now.

Firstly we had splinter-gate with the five year old, he got one stuck in his foot and it must have got deeper and deeper till by the end of the day he flagged up that he couldn’t walk. I furnished him with the iPad and a lolly then set about trying to get the thing out. It was very deep and the bloodcurdling screams I’m sure could be heard all over north Swindon. I’m seriously surprised that I didn’t get a knock on the door asking what I was doing to my child. I do need to mention here that he is not at all good with pain or injuries. He once had full blown crying hysterics over a scratch on his arm which turned out to be red pen. 

It was so stressful when it finally came out it reminded me of childbirth, I had boob sweat and everything.

Secondly the two year old has decided that it’s now fun to shove bread up his nose. This might sound amusing but I can assure you it was not at the time. The first time he did it I managed to grab it out quickly as he hadn’t managed to poke it up that far, I thought it was a random one off. However the second time it was way up there. 

He just finished his sandwich, then stood up and announced ‘Mummy I got bread up my nose, it’s too far, you get it out?’ so I grabbed him, took a look and realised I wasn’t going to be able to get it. 

Cue frantic googling, we made him sniff the pepper grinder, tickled his nose with a feather, tried blowing in his mouth, the nose aspirator he had when he was a baby, saline drops, sunlight the lot. No joy but he found it hilarious. 

By this time an hour had gone by and I was starting to panic so wracked my brains and went and found a straw. I tried about three times with no joy, then one last go and got a delightful mouthful of snotty bread.

So we are now having to sit opposite him every day when he eats his sandwich and supervise. This can take a good 45 minutes.

Apparently after all the googling it appears this is a thing that some toddlers like to ‘experiment’ with. I am just hoping he doesn’t escalate to parts of Lego people as one story I read explained. 

In between these two main incidents I have lost count of the amount of bumps, scrapes and bruises they have all over the place. We are considering taking out shares in sudocrem and paw patrol plasters. 

They did make up for it by getting dressed up in my clothes one morning as a surprise though, that gave me a serious belly laugh, that and the five year old deciding to paint his own nails. This was super cute until I found the aftermath on the sofa... 

Find out more about our guest weekly blogger, Sara Witham owner of Evil Empire Marketing by visiting her website https://www.evilempire.co.uk.

Evil Empire Marketing

Hollywood Bowl (Animated Ad)
Lydiard House Museum (Animated Ad)
Hall & Woodhouse
South Swindon Parish Council (2025 Animated Ad)
HFC Travel (Animated Ad)
Swindon Memorials
Delta Hotel (Animated Ad)
Doubletree by Hilton Swindon (Animated Ad)
Kelmscott Manor (Animated Ad)
Lydiard Park Hotel & Conference Centre (Animated Ad)
Hillier Funeral Service
HT Wills (Leaderboard Ad)

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