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Pebley Beach Launches Green Car Site

Swindon motor dealer Pebley Beach has launched a green car sales brand to promote low-emission vehicles.

Go Green is a physical and online area for the sale of used cars that emit less than 100 grammes per kilometre of CO2.

As cleaner engines, hybrids, and electric vehicles filter into the used car market, the CO2 bar to Go Green entry will be lowered.

The launch of Go Green is one of a number of initiatives made by Pebley Beach to lower its carbon footprint, and help customers to reduce their own impact on the environment.

This summer, the firm ceased its use of screen wash in plastic bottles, opting instead for tablets that can be mixed on premises. The move will save 5,000 250ml plastic bottles a year.

The Hyundai and Suzuki dealership is also phasing out the use of printed brochures, pointing customers to its website instead. 

The glossy brochures are not easily recyclable and become obsolete whenever the price or specification of a vehicle changes. 

It is also discontinuing the use of single-use plastic seat protectors when cars come in for a service or MOT, relying on reusable covers instead. And it is scrapping chemical-based interior protection treatments to a water-based solution.

The company has also signed a deal with Haven Power to meet its energy needs with certified wind- and solar-generated electricity.

Managing director Dominic Threlfall said: "One hundred years ago, the industrialist Henry Ford told customers they could have the Model T Ford in any colour – so long as it was black. The motor industry has taken great strides towards more sustainable motoring, so today we're able to tell customers they can have a new or used car in any colour – so long as it's green."

Platinum Hyundai & Suzuki Swindon

Platinum Hyundai & Suzuki Swindon

Platinum Hyundai & Suzuki Swindon Specialise in sales of new and used Suzuki and Hyundai models, their award winning workshops also look after 1000s of cars regardless of age or make.

West Swindon Motor Park, Paddington Drive, Swindon , Wiltshire, SN5 7SB

Pebley Beach
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