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Samantha Jayne

April Talk with Samantha Jayne

It’s April, the second month of Spring, Easter has been and gone and we're now almost into May. We’re catching up with some business owners this month to see how things are looking for them at the moment. Today were talking to Samantha Jayne, business coach for spiritual entrepreneurs who is based in Swindon and works with clients globally.

How has April been for your business? 
It has been a busy month here. I have a number of events and masterminds running including my free coaching webinar. I only coach for free twice a year! April is always about money and it is one of my favourite things to coach around. I support people to get their cashflow moving again, or to increase their cash flow. 

I am also hosting my Activate Abundance Mastermind for business owners who need help getting their mindset and their energy to align to the vision they have for their business. Perfect for anyone who is struggling with getting their business started, relaunched or taking it to the next level.

This month it’s Stress Awareness Month, what does stress mean to you? Do you support people with stress? 
I work with a lot of adults and teenagers who are struggling with anxiety based conditions through my healing and coaching programmes. I find the anxiety has built up within my clients through being in stressful situations at home and in their personal lives.

For business owners, stress can manifest in various ways and some want to work with me regularly to deal with it - and occasionally I'm called upon to act quickly if they are faced with something unexpected. I do my best to accommodate this for my most loyal clients.

Today is Pay It Forward Day? Who could you ‘pay it forward’ to? Has anyone ‘paid it forward’ to you?
I would pay it forward to media consultant and journalist Fiona Scott for having me on her podcast. I loved it so much I am now paying it forward and about to start inviting people to be on mine! And my YouTube channel Coffee With Samantha Jayne.

And finally:
April is a powerful month energetically for business and for beginning new projects that may feel a little bit scary. This has been a month to be brave in business and get out of your comfort zone., follow me to find out what May has in store!


For more information visit www.samantha-jayne.co.uk

Fiona Scott Media Consultancy Swindon

Scott Media

Scott Media is run by a UK-based journalist with more than 20 years' experience in the media - print, radio and television.

6 Gold View, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN5 8ZG

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