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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To Business

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Claire Brewerton of the Virtual Business Centre shares her plans for the last two months of the year!

IT’S NOVEMBER! The year is coming to an end and Q4 is well under way. We’re talking to businesses about their plans for the final two months of the year.

Up today is Claire Brewerton who is the co-founder of The Virtual Business Centre based in Brinkworth and provides outsourced services to many business owners including telephone answering, call management, diary management and much more.

What’s your business highlight for this month or last month?
We always see a noticeable increase in our call volumes and business enquiries in September/October, almost as though it’s a case of people catching up after the Summer and planning their last quarter of the year.

And what about a personal highlight?
Our middle child who turned 18 back in the summer started his first full time job! We are very proud of him to see how he is adapting to working full time. I think receiving his first pay slip has helped!

November 5th was Bonfire Night. Does this night hold any memories for you?
I love Bonfire Night although I’m not a massive fan of very noisy fireworks! I love a roaring fire and if it is cold outside mugs of tomato soup.

November represents Movember – Men’s Health Awareness Month and International Men’s Day (Nov 19). What, if anything does this mean to you?
As a Mum to two teenage boys it gives me a reason to raise awareness with them about men’s health and wellbeing especially as the theme for 2023 is Zero Male Suicide.

What’s your top tip for being positive as we enter the last month of autumn?  
Autumn is a great time to catch up with friends and family. I love the dark evenings, but I’m not so much of a fan of the dark mornings. I do like to see seasons change and the beautiful autumn foliage and crisp air make it an ideal time to spend time outside.

Did you know November 13 is World Kindness Day? Has anyone shown kindness to you in the last month or so? At home and/or work?  Tell us how you view kindness in your business or professional role?
I am a firm believer in kindness in all aspects of life. My daughter regularly volunteers at our local Cancer Research Shop, and this has made her more aware of peoples actions. The day presents us with an opportunity to reflect upon one of the most important and unifying human principles but is something I believe should be demonstrated every day.

It’s also Black Friday this month which is now quite mainstream. Do you participate in this within your business? Or do you prefer the Buy Nothing Day?
Some of our clients participate in Black Friday so it can be a particularly busy time in the office supporting them over the telephone with their quick-fire sales and enquiries.

Are you preparing for Christmas in your business – if so – share what your plans are going to be?  
As a business we find it very hard to organise a staff Christmas event in December – so we have booked it for January! but the decorations will definitely be going up in the office.

Are there any awareness days or special weeks in November which are relevant to your business?  
Yes, there are several awareness days and weeks in November that are relevant to us.

National Stress Awareness Day (1st November): This day aims to raise awareness about stress and its impact on our lives. 

Anti-Bullying Week (14th-18th November): This week is dedicated to raising awareness about bullying and promoting kindness, respect, and inclusion. 

Small Business Saturday: This day is dedicated to supporting small businesses and encouraging people to shop locally. 

Have you got any events planned for November or December you’d like to shout about – either that you are running or attending?
We always celebrate Christmas Jumper Day in the office – it gives us a chance to raise some money for Save The Children as well as getting us into the Christmas spirit.

And finally, is there anything else you’d like to say?
I want to take a moment to say a huge thank you to our clients and suppliers who choose to work with us at the Virtual Business Centre as well as our team who work so hard every day.


For more information visit www.virtualbusinesscentre.com

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