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May Talk with Neil Moore

May is the last month of spring and the month often signifies growth – and is derived from the Greek goddess Maia. It’s often a time of events and festivals nationwide. It’s a busy month and it’s also the countdown to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this year. We’d like to find out more about what your business – and you – have planned for May 2022. Today we're talking to professional photographer Neil Moore of Moore Photographics. He specialises in many different disciplines of commercial photography.

May is the last month of Spring – how has Spring been for you so far in your business? 
Spring has been an interesting period.  A number of projects have been completed with a number more to be undertaken during the course of this month, making it a very positive start to this year. I've also been far more active on LinkedIn - I can be found here - https://www.linkedin.com/in/neil-moore-894a6023/

Have you got any milestones coming up in May, personal or in your business, role or organisation?
This month I am celebrating 15 years trading as Moore Photographics – it doesn’t seem that long since I separated photography from my former business! 

This has been a challenging time for some businesses – with issues around supply chains and cost of living rises – how are you facing that as a business or as a consumer? 
As for all, business the costs are continually rising which like most I can no longer absorb.  So after some soul searching I too have had to increase prices to my clients to cover the basic costs due to the direct cost increases to my business. I too, as a consumer, face a large rise in my household bills too.  

Do you have any money-saving tips or hacks you could share?
I have now completed installing LED lights, reduced my heating costs by lowering the temperature of the studio until a client visits. But I suppose the greatest cost saving is making a note, and only buying fuel at the cheapest petrol stations. As a photographer I have many shoots which take place on location and not in the studio so fuel is a major cost for me. 

How do you maintain customer service when faced with these issues?
I am fortunate that I am a sole practitioner/ photographer and don’t require staff.  That is unless on a more complicated shoot.  With clients being upfront and honest is the only way to handle this situation. We are all in the same boat facing increased costs across the board. 

May is National Walking Month – it’s also one of the most beneficial exercises – do you walk at all?
I am quite fortunate that I live on the edge of the Savernake Forest and used to walk regularly before breakfast.  It's a great way to see things and I'll always have a camera with me! However, I had Plantar Fasciitis about a year ago and it is still quite painful on longer walks.

Where is your favourite place to walk?  
Although I live by the Savernake Forest I have already explored most of it so prefer to walk in areas that are new to me.  At present I like to explore the coastline from Calshot to Lepe.  The pebble beach and the smell of the sea air is the closest to my true love – sailing! 

Have you got any events planned for May or June which you’d like to mention? 
This month is the first face to face network meeting of Cotswold Taste. They support the Food and Drink Community in the Cotswolds, and as a member I am looking forward to meeting them again in person! 

What’s your one top business tip to help others be positive about their business in May & June 2022? 
I plan and look forward to what I will be doing the next day.  This way, when I wake up and start the working day I am not fumbling about in the dark.

Tell us one thing which we won’t know about you:
As some of you may know I donate platelets every three weeks.  Currently they are looking for more donors, so if you are a blood donor with blood group A–   or   AB–  or  A+ let them know you could be interested in donating platelets. These are especially important for people undergoing treatment for cancer. For more information visit Platelets – https://platelets.blood.co.uk

Have you got any special offers you’d like to mention? 
As Moore Photographics is celebrating its fifteenth year in business we are offering a 15% discount on all photographic work we undertake during May & June.

Quote MP15PERCENT at the time of placing the order to qualify.

Neil can be found here https://www.moore-photographics.com

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