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November Talk with Matt Barnes of Barnes Coaches

IT’S NOVEMBER! – the year is coming to an end and Q4 is well under way. We’re talking to small businesses about their plans for the last two month of the year and up today is Matt Barnes of Barnes Coaches.

What’s your business highlight for November 2022 (or even from October 2022)?
This year has been amazing with everyone travelling again, and this weekend there was a great example when we took over 200 passengers from Swindon to Bridgwater Carnival.

And what about a personal highlight this last month?
I have got back on the Peloton after a summer rest/ being lazy.

November represents Movember – Men’s Health Awareness Month. What, if anything does this mean to you?
Men are learning to be better at looking after themselves physically and mentally but we could still do better.

Are you doing anything in November for charity or for a community or volunteer project?
Some guys I play golf with are doing Movember to raise money for this, but I will only be able to donate as I would have to start growing a moustache in August to have anything to show by the end of November! https://uk.movember.com/team/2427733?mc=1&utm_medium=share&utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=copy-clipboard

Has the recent turmoil in the economy, government or the cost of living crisis affected your business? Or your personal life in any way that you are happy to share?
As a company, we realise how tough things are, but we still want to offer a quality product to all of our customers so for us it’s about getting the balance right.

What’s your top tip for being positive in the midst of a lot of negativity?
Exercise works for me. Followed by catch up with friends in pub if possible!

Did you know November 13 was World Kindness Day – has anyone shown kindness to you in the last month or so? 
My youngest helped me carry a lot of logs so that we can use the log burner and keep the heating off until December (hopefully!) and at work everyone is wearing an extra layer so we can keep the thermostat down.

It’s also Black Friday on November 25 which is now quite mainstream – do you participate in this within your business? Or do you prefer the Buy Nothing Day on November 27?
We have a Black Friday giveaway scheduled to happen on our Facebook page (@BarnesCoaches) on the 25/11/22 - make sure to join us for the chance to win some prizes!

Have you got any events planned for November or December you’d like to shout about – either that you are running or attending?
I would love to be getting excited about the World Cup, but this one is so tainted all the normal anticipation has gone but this Festive Period should be great with all the Christmas markets etc. back, and our work Christmas party is also back after a 2-year absence.

Have you got any services or special offers you’d like to mention?
We have loads of holidays and Day Trips in November and December. We visit lots of Christmas Markets and run coaches to London for shopping or Winter Wonderland every Saturday and Sunday. We are cheaper and more reliable than the train!

And finally, is there anything else you’d like to say?
Have a great festive period now COVID has finally stopped holding us back.


Find out more about Barnes Coaches at https://www.barnescoaches.co.uk/ Everything Coach!

Barnes Coaches Swindon

Barnes Coaches

Barnes Coaches are the largest coach operator in the Swindon area.

Woodside Road, South Marston Park, Swindon, SN3 4AQ

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