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Yvonne Parker of Yvonne Parker Hypnotherapy is sharing her plans for the end of 2023!

Today we’re talking to Yvonne Parker, a Clinical Hypnotherapist in her business Yvonne Parker Hypnotherapy, based in Swindon.

Yvonne helps her clients to shift their trauma, behaviours, patterns and unwanted habits that are holding them back in their business and personal lives. She does this by using the techniques of Hypnotherapy, Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing, Emotional Freedom Technique and Neuro Linguistic Programming

What’s your business highlight for this month or last month?
Receiving a lovely message from a client I had helped with anxiety since February this year, giving me an update on the progress she has made since our last session together and the difference having therapy and hypnotherapy has made to her in her life and career and how she feels a lot happier and more able to trust herself, having the confidence to make decisions that are right for her.

And what about a personal highlight?
I recently enjoyed a trip on the Midland Pullman Christmas Special train from Swindon to Edinburgh it was a wonderful experience, I would highly recommend it to anyone.

November represents Movember – Men’s Health Awareness Month and International Men’s Day (Nov 19). What, if anything does this mean to you?
I like to share and highlight this within my business as I see a lot of men come into my clinic who are really struggling to deal with life, stress and coping with their emotions.  They very often are feeling a failure because they have been told to ‘man up’. I help men to break these generational patterns to be able to more freely express themselves and be heard, supporting them in gaining clarity and understanding of how they want to move forwards in their businesses and personal lives.

What’s your top tip for being positive as we enter the last month of autumn?
Get yourself out in the fresh air and nature everyday if you can, it blows the cobwebs away from you mentally and physically whilst you are also getting a hit of vitamin D from the light outside which we all need.

Did you know November 13 was World Kindness Day? Has anyone shown kindness to you in the last month or so? Tell us how you view kindness in your business or professional role?
Lots of people within my family, friendships and business circles have showed great kindness to me over the last month and more, so there are too many to mention individually.

Simple acts of giving a smile or even a hug are really appreciated as being a Solopreuner can be a lonely business at times and knowing that others understand and are there to support you is invaluable.

I believe that we should try and treat everyone we meet with kindness and respect to listen and allow them to be heard, to provide a non judgemental safe space is really important in my clinic and I help my clients to learn to be kind to themselves and this kindness can come in the form of adding boundaries or walking away but with respect or even saying no and that this is ok.

It was Black Friday this month which is now quite mainstream. Do you participate in this within your business? Or do you prefer the Buy Nothing Day?
I didn't participate in Black Friday offers within my business but I may have participate in purchasing some gifts for Christmas or items personally during this time.

Are you preparing for Christmas in your business? What your plans are going to be?
I will be offering Christmas gift vouchers for those people in your life who have everything and would like a gift that is a bit different to offer 1-1 Mind Massage or Past Life Regression Sessions as a present idea.

I will also be closing just before Christmas for a personal holiday break in Germany to enjoy the Christmas markets there but will be opening again between the Christmas and New Year period to support my clients during this time which can be difficult for some.

Are there any awareness days or special weeks in November which are relevant to your business?
National Stress Awareness Day- I see a lot of my clients who are extremely stressed and how this affects them in their daily life.  I help them my giving them lots of tools and techniques to use to help them alleviate this stress and feel a lot calmer to help them cope.    

Have you got any events planned for November or December you’d like to shout about – either that you are running or attending?
I am the network leader for See No Bounds Get Connected Swindon and we will be running our second in person event on 23rd November at The Sun Inn at Coate which we host quarterly for businesses to meet up and come and network together.

We also have our last online meeting on Thursday 14th December between 9-10am where business owners can come online and network together time efficiently to make those important connections and ask for any support they require.

You can find out more here www.seenobounds.co.uk

Have you got any services or special offers you’d like to mention?
Christmas Gift Vouchers are available for Mind Massage sessions which are available to everyone to be able to come and take time out to check in with yourself and your mind health on that deeper subconscious level.  These sessions help you to declutter and sweep away anything that no longer helps you in your mind and to gain clarity around any situation’s that may be bothering you. You will leave feeling lighter, calmer and happier to take the next steps forward.

And finally, is there anything else you’d like to say?
The lead up to Christmas can be very challenging and difficult for everyone so please consider taking a pause and some space for yourself where you can be kind to yourself.  Looking after ourselves physically and mentally on a regular basis lessens the chance of burn out or hitting a low point or crisis, so please seek help early if you are struggling so that you can prevent this from happening.


Find out more about how Yvonne can support you at www.yphypnotherapy.com

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