Kia model range. Which one takes your fancy?
Driven by Customer Care Outstanding Customer Service. Trust. Choice. Value.
With 75 years of experience in the motoring industry, Fish Brothers Kia have a wealth of experience in providing unbeatable service at fantastic prices whilst establishing a trustworthy, reliable, and friendly service to all its customers. 
Fish Brothers Kia Driven by Customer Care. We go above and beyond for the people that matter most - you, our customers.
About Us

Why choose Fish Brothers Kia

Fish Brothers KIA are a family owned car dealer group in Swindon that you can trust for quality, value and choice.

Our group comprises of the following brands: Dacia, Honda, Kia, JAECOO, Lexus, Nissan, OMODA, Renault, SEAT, Skoda, Toyota and VW Commercial vehicles.

So whether you're searching for a van or a new car in a hatchback or SUV, you'll find that we offer all types of new cars and vans that will fit your needs and your budget.

Use of our vehicle search tool to find your perfect vehicle at Fish Brothers KIA.

Driven by Customer Care At Fish Brothers, Customer Care is one of the key tenets of our business and ensures our customers are always put first.
Buy Instore or Online 24/7 Quick. Easy.Simple. Buy or reserve your next vehicle Online 24/7 or Instore - the choice is yours.
Trust. Choice. Value. At Fish Brothers, our goal is to deliver extraordinary experiences to our customers through trust, choice and value.
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